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Sustainable Games Alliance

A non-profit cooperative of game companies and trade associations helping the games industry in the sustainability transition. Our goal is to make games the most sustainable form of entertainment on a rapidly heating planet.


Sustainable Games Alliance logo

Sustainable Games Alliance logo

Sustainable Games Alliance logo

Logo usage

Sustainable Games Alliance logo usage instructions
Provide padding (clear space) equal to at least 2/3 of the height of the logomark around the asset on all sides.
The space surrounding the asset must be white or a single background color, and you must use a version of the asset that provides for maximum possible contrast. Do not use low contrast or (semi-)transparent versions of the asset.


Our name is written as Sustainable Games Alliance in small caps with the first letter of each word capitalized and each word separated by a space, and abbreviated as SGA with all letters together with no spaces or periods and in all capital letters. Please use the abbreviation only after you’ve used the correctly written full name first. The name or the abbreviated version do not include the definite article the.

In any media that supports hyperlinks, link the name to the address
