How we're making sustainability happen

The SGA standard is developed iteratively, with each development cycle focussing on a specific piece of the sustainability puzzle. 

SGA Members are the heart of the Standard process, as they direct, authorise, and implement the standard based on their experience and the nature of their sustainability challenges.

The SGA Standard Lead is responsible for the drafting process, integrating the latest research findings, and interpreting the requirements of Government legislation so that the Standard meets and exceeds mandatory disclosure rules. 

Once a draft section of the standard is completed, it is presented to SGA Members for validation and testing of the methodology, before a final vote by Members to adopt the latest changes. Once adopted, the standard receives a new version number, and the process starts again.

What's expected of members

Because the SGA Standard is designed from the ground up to help game businesses meet their obligations under mandatory disclosure legislation, the absolute minimum is simply using the standard to comply with your disclosure obligations. For some, this may be the extent of capacity available, but for those more keen to get involved there are multiple ways to be a part of the development of the standard. 

In each new work cycle of Standard development, a call for participation will go out to members. This starts by finding out which businesses and individuals have data, experience, or an active interest in the particular component of the standard being worked on next. Then, working with the Standard Lead, input is gathered from members and industry experts on the best methods and approaches to measure emissions, and a robust discussion is had between participating members about best approaches to the new component as drafting progresses. Finally, when the results of the work cycle are complete and ready for integration into the standard, a vote of members is held to authorise the new features, and if adopted, the new component then becomes part of the Standard and appears on the Standard website for anyone to use and adopt.

There are multiple levels of participation possible, and they can and will change as development progresses. From hands-on active participation in the standard drafting and development process, to providing confidential access to your business’ data to inform the standard, to simply having a say in the authorisation of new features and methods – membership input is essential to the Standard, whatever the level of involvement.

How do I apply the SGA Standard

As a voluntary Standard, it can currently be used in a couple of ways. First, the standard can be applied as any standard would be – through following the instructions around data collection, and obeying the Standard’s recommendations for methodologies for calculation of the different components of game industry GHG emissions. This can be done by any games business big or small.

As part of the standard development process, we are also investing in tools to make the application of the standard simpler and easier. For now, this consists of a Google sheet for data input with pre-filled emissions factors from high quality data sources. As this number of components covered by the Standard expands, so too will the tools and approaches we use. Eventually, the Standard will also have a system that will take member data inputs and produce the required output for simple and complete European CSRD reporting. 

You can also apply the standard as a guide for data requests when approaching suppliers and service providers. A requirement of the CSRD is that companies of a certain size calculate their entire value chain, not just the most local sources of GHG emissions under your direct control. To do so requires engaging with suppliers and other businesses and knowing what to ask for, which the SGA Standard can help with.

Lastly, the standard can also be used as a reference for parts of your organisations emissions that you do not have other calculation providers or solutions for. The SGA Standard aims to be the most comprehensive and detailed approach to calculating the whole value chain of the games ecosystem, and can help clarify what is missing from your existing solutions and approaches.


What's the timeline of development?

I’m glad you asked! The SGA maintains an open project planning document with a timeline of the remaining activities required for the GHG emissions standard as well as other advice, guidance and tools that we want to develop to help members meet European and other sustainability reporting standards. You can view the project timeline here.  

The project plan will have the latest details on our expected milestones and estimated timing of releases of new versions of the standard and other guidance, advice and tools. Check back regularly for the latest idea of where we’re up to.